SporTS mediCINE

Sports medi­ci­ne pri­ma­ri­ly ser­ves to pre­vent ill­nes­ses by hel­ping to sup­port ath­le­tes in rege­ne­ra­ting and trai­ning planning/periodizing and con­tri­bu­tes to achie­ve their full poten­ti­al. In dia­gnostics, we take into account depth sta­bi­li­ty and depth mobi­li­ty, as well as the detec­tion of pos­si­ble incor­rect pos­tu­res that can lead to inju­ries in the future. Due to our years of suc­cess­ful coope­ra­ti­on, the trai­ning plan­ning is put tog­e­ther in coope­ra­ti­on with Adi­das and EXOS. Thus we crea­te a medi­cal­ly ambi­tious plan­ning that mini­mi­zes the risk of injury.

The Speed Project

Dr. Pou­ria Tahe­ri accom­pa­nied the adi­das run­ners team from L.A. to Las Vegas as a  sports medi­cal sup­port for the athletes.